Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sweet Autumn Clematis

I love this time of year, when the Sweet Autumn Clematis is blooming. I have two that are threatening to take over sections of my garden - and I LOVE it! This clematis is growing over my septic tank area and is the only plant - except for a snowball bush - that is growing in this area. All spring and summer, the clematis grows rapidly, spreading dark green leaves throughout the area. In late August or early September, when the blooms start coming on, the greenry disappears behind the canopy of white flowers.

The individual flowers of the clematis are fairly small, but the profusion of petals makes a stunning sight when they start to bloom. And the smell - WOW - they smell wonderful! A light, sweet smell that fragrants the late afternoon air.

This clematis is threatening to take over my small shed. Light pruning in early spring helps to remove old growth, so this vine has grown this much in one season. (It is growing up a six foot post.)

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